Monday MomTrepreneur: Spa Day? Who Am I Kidding?
I am a no frills kinda girl. Yes, I love to look nice and I love clothing, but I also like the simplicity of a woman. I like to express the natural look on a day-to-day basis, meaning, skipping the makeup and hair styled simply. Don't get me wrong, when I see a girl looking perfect without a hair out of place and mascara perfectly applied and the perfect glimmer from the eye shadow, I do get a little girl envy.
I went to bed early at about 12:30pm, and then... the dreadful tiptoe of a child telling you they're nauseous. The rest of my night went like all moms already know when their kids have the stomach virus. I remember praying the night would be over already! I don't remember how many times we kept running to the bathroom, but I woke up thinking I was crazy for sleeping on sheets with 5 different towels on them. I was just too tired.